Author Archives: Weybridge and Kingston

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Opt For Invisalign

We at Weybridge Orthodontics want patients to feel confident in their smiles, and we believe that confidence begins on the inside and works its way out. We live in an image-obsessed world, with photos becoming an online transaction of status through social media and the way we look constantly being judged. It’s hard to not feel pressure from the outside to fit with a certain beauty standard, and of course, one of the biggest standards is the way our teeth look. Everyone wants that perfect smile, with razor-sharp straightness and a bright white gleam, but should we be striving for this, or should we be more accepting of what we have? invisalign-weybridge

Take A Moment

Have you ever really thought about how you feel about your smile? Are you just happy with the one you’ve got? Or have you just been telling yourself for years there’s something wrong with it and have accepted your own judgement of self without ever challenging it? Well, now’s the time to take a moment, grab a mirror and have a good old look at your smile. What do you see?

So many of us are quick to make snap judgements about our teeth and be overly critical of the way we look. Some of us may be self-conscious of our teeth sticking out a bit; lots of patients had braces in their teens, then perhaps got a bit lazy about wearing their retainer and consequently their teeth have slightly changed again. If your teeth are not ‘perfect’ it can be easy to fantasise about all the things you could have done to them, namely Invisalign Weybridge and leave yourself feeling once again less than.

In Defence Of Invisalign Weybridge

Of course, we at Surrey Braces have don’t want to ever put anyone off from having Invisalign Weybridge or any other type of orthodontic work done. Looking at using these tools for positive change rather than pressured change is important; otherwise, you could end up putting all your aesthetic worries in one basket. You could think that changing your teeth is going to solve all your problems and then find at the end of treatment there’s now something else you’re unhappy with. And so, the cycle continues.

Finding Positive Change

If you really are unhappy with your smile, then you book in with us for a consultation appointment where we can talk you through all the options available to you. Sometimes we can find a path to a better smile without having to go through orthodontics. For some, a quick whitening treatment is enough to make them feel more confident, and of course, others do end up going for more complex treatments; they do so with all the information they need and time to think everything through properly.


We’re lucky that very soon, we’ll be heading to 2023, and we’re living in a world that is slowly becoming more accepting of other types of beauty, so don’t let the pressure of social media make you feel you need to change yourself or your smile; you’re lovely just as you are.

Could Incognito Be The New Cool Way To Straighten Your Teeth?

If you haven’t heard about Incognito yet, then don’t worry because we at Weybridge Orthodontics are about to fill you in on all you need to know about this cool orthodontic system. Incognito is the most invisible dental aligning device out there, even more so than clear aligners! Here’s all you need to know about this magical teeth-straightening system. incognito-weybridge

What Is Incognito Weybridge?

Incognito is a type of brace that sits on the inner side of your teeth. Just like traditional braces, Incognito uses a plate-and-wire system; the plates are fixed behind your teeth and the wire threads through them. Over several months, the wires will be tightened to move your teeth into a new position.

Why Are These Braces So Cool?

Braces have been on quite the journey over the last hundred years, and the days of them being items we feared are very much gone. Braces now come in all sorts of shapes and sizes that are far more user-friendly and adaptable to our lifestyles.

Over the last 15 years or so, Invisalign has really taken off to new heights and forged the way for other types of braces to be designed, which are equally less visible and more patient-friendly. We at Weybridge Orthodontics absolutely love Invisalign and still use it frequently in the practice for patients wanting a simple and effective way of straightening their teeth. However, they are still slightly visible, and though they are much subtler than traditional braces, you can still tell when someone is wearing them. With Incognito Weybridge, the dental alignment experience becomes completely invisible. Because the braces can be fixed behind your teeth, absolutely nothing will be visible from the front; you can undergo treatment, and no one will ever know… well, apart from when they notice your teeth straightening up.

Who Can Incognito Help?

There’s no hard and fast rule with Incognito Weybridge braces; anyone can use them as long as their teeth and gums are healthy. Incognito braces do come in at the more pricey end of things; however, there are excellent payment plans and interest-free options available.

How Long Do They Take?

Treatment time very much depends on the individual case; some people may well get the results they’re after in as little as six months, while others with more complex cases could be looking at 18 to 24 months. What’s great though is that time becomes irrelevant when you can’t actually see the braces.

Will The Changes Last?

It’s so interesting when we look at the last results of orthodontic work, no matter which brace was used. With all treatments, you will be required to wear a retainer. At first, you would have to wear the retainer most of the time; this wear will then become less frequent, and eventually, you would only need to wear it at night. It’s so tempting to stop wearing retainers, but we can’t stress enough how easily and quickly teeth can begin to move back, especially when your wisdom teeth haven’t come through yet.

How Should I Take Care of my Invisalign?

If you’ve recently had your Invisalign Weybridge fitted or even if you’re just thinking about possibly starting out on an Invisalign journey, then this one’s for you. Invisalign Weybridge is an amazing system for anyone wanting to straighten their smile using a subtle system. Of course, they need to be looked after if you’re going to keep them looking shiny, and for that reason, the team here at Weybridge Orthodontics has put together a guide on taking care of your Invisalign Weybridge. invisalign-weybridge

The Basics

When taking care of your Invisalign aligners, you need to be looking at more than just the way you clean them; you must think about how you treat them. With this in mind, here are some rules to kick things off.

Don’t ever consume anything while wearing your aligners unless it’s water. Eating with your aligners still in your mouth could damage them, and of course, after seriously investing in them, the last thing you want is to cause them any damage. There are lots of fluids that will stain your aligners, and any staining could make them no longer invisible; it’s just not ever worth the risk. Take them out!

Always have a hard carry case with you because you will need to put your aligners somewhere safe once you remove them.

Don’t play with them. What do we mean by this? Who’s playing with their braces? You’d be surprised! The temptation to leave the aligners out and even give them a chew is not uncommon, and we’ve seen the repercussions, so just try and leave them alone.


You really don’t need to overthink this, but you do need to be consistent as aligners quickly become little greenhouses for germs and bacteria to multiply. You only need to invest in a soft bristle manual toothbrush and some white toothpaste or clear soap. Apply a very small amount of soap or toothpaste to the brush and run it along the inside and outside of the aligner. Be careful not to apply too much pressure since the trays are strong but not indestructible. You only need to do this once a day, or even twice if you want to.

You can invest in a cleaning solution, which we at Weybridge Orthodontics highly recommend. These solutions don’t need to break the bank; a simple denture cleaner will do the trick. These solutions will not only remove 99.9% of bacteria, but they’ll also give back the clear shine to the tray, which gives it its invisible appearance. You can do this once a day alongside brushing.

Oral Hygiene

A key point in taking care of your Invisalign aligner is to also take care of your teeth. To keep your teeth healthy and free of bacteria, you need to make sure you give them a good scrub twice a day for at least two minutes. Flossing is non-negotiable, as it is the only way to get deep down into the gum line.

This might all sound like a bit of a faff when starting out, but you’ll very quickly adapt to it and get used to the steps in time. We promise it’s worth it.

How Orthodontics Can Change Your Life

Orthodontics is far more than just straightening teeth; it can change a person’s entire life. We at Weybridge Orthodontics want everyone to feel proud of their smiles and aim to help everyone find the smiles of their dreams through orthodontic treatment. We offer a wide variety of treatments that can be customised to your specific needs. We believe that the right orthodontic treatment can truly be life-changing, and here’s why. orthodontics-weybridge

What Is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is anything to do with the structure of the teeth and jaw. We’re looking specifically at the way the teeth are placed and how the jaw sits. As a general rule, teeth should sit in line with one another and not have any overlaps, crowding or gaps. Now, of course, everyone has a different preference, and, of course, all teeth are beautiful, but for those wanting a more traditional aesthetic from their smiles, the only way to achieve this is through orthodontics Weybridge.

Orthodontics uses braces to straighten and realign teeth from one position to another; in most cases, this can be done by applying a light force to the teeth over some time, causing a shift. Some people will automatically think of fixed wired braces, which were the more traditional option, but now, with developments in clear aligners, orthodontics has evolved into using subtler tools, such as Invisalign.

More Than Just A Hollywood Smile

Of course, orthodontics Weybridge is primarily used for image purposes, but there are other more practical benefits too. Straighter teeth are easier to maintain at home with a good oral hygiene routine. When teeth are gapped, crowded or overlapping, it’s much harder to clean between them and get deep down into the gum line, which is where all the nasty bacteria hang out. If we don’t maintain our teeth at a high standard, then bacteria can easily build up and form plaque and, eventually, tartar, which is the substance that sits against the surface of the teeth and gums and begins to rot causing gum disease and decay. Being able to easily clean your mouth will have major benefits to your overall oral health later down the line.

Breaking Tension

Often those who suffer from misalignment such as an over or underbite will have issues with teeth grinding, migraines and jaw tension. These problems can become seriously debilitating if they persist and aren’t addressed since patients can begin to grind away at their own teeth, leaving them damaged beyond recovery. Often when people have had their teeth addressed by orthodontics Weybridge, they may notice a serious reduction in their grinding habits.

Better Self-esteem

Having a straight smile does more than just make your teeth look nice; it’s the confidence that comes with it that makes a real difference. If you’re someone who has spent their whole life feeling somewhat down about their smile and craving something else, then finally attaining this will give you a massive confidence boost. No more shying away from photos or covering your mouth when you laugh; just pure smile joy.

Fulfilling the dental needs of our patients with Incognito

After many years practising, we feel we can say that we have built up a good understanding of the main needs and concerns of most patients who are seeking treatment for misaligned or crooked teeth. Yet we also recognise that there will always be a need to treat each and every person we see as the individual that they are. For this reason, we will always try to go that extra mile to make every patient we see feel comfortable from the moment they enter our dental practice. incognito-weybridge

We are completely aware that your road to deciding to seek tooth alignment treatment may have been long and you would not have made your decision in the heat of the moment, as the change you are seeking should not be seen as a small one and the commitment required to complete treatment is not short. This is why at Weybridge Orthodontics we will always treat you with dignity and respect your wishes throughout your treatment programme, ensuring you are at the heart of any decision making process at all times.

One of the main worries that you may have had in your mind about undergoing tooth alignment treatment may have been about the appearance of your mouth and teeth during the period of transition, as many people seeking treatment of this nature think of metal and wire braces in the first instance.

Allow us to reassure you that we can provide you with a totally discreet treatment by using Incognito Weybridge, which will not be seen by the eyes of others when worn in place in your mouth.

Hidden away behind your teeth

Unlike traditional braces that are worn on the front of your teeth, Incognito Weybridge is placed on the back of your teeth, allowing the braces to be hidden from the eyes of others around you throughout treatment. So now you can receive the treatment you feel will be of benefit to you in a way that respects your privacy, while knowing you are doing the right thing to improve your oral health and hygiene standards and that you will gain those beautifully aligned teeth that you are seeking.

Reaping the benefits of treatment

You may have struggled for several years to maintain high standards with your oral health and hygiene, due to your teeth proving difficult to clean on a twice-daily basis with a toothbrush. This may have led you to be more at risk of developing some common dental issues such as tooth decay or gum disease. Many of our patients find themselves having to visit a dental practice more often for treatment of a certain problem, the cause of which can be directly linked back to the fact they are living with misaligned teeth. This changes after undergoing tooth straightening.

Many of our patients enjoy great improvements in their oral health and hygiene standards following treatment to have their teeth straightened, many also notice a reduction in the number of common dental issues that they experience.

Change is waiting for you

So, if you have got to the end of your time living with misaligned or crooked teeth, just know that the time to make a change is now. All it takes is for you to make the first move by contacting our practice. We would be more than happy to provide you with a discreet treatment such as Incognito Weybridge.

Now you can have the straight teeth that you desire with Invisalign

If you are living with the discomfort of misaligned teeth then it may be time for you to consider what options are available to you that may help you to make a change. Teeth which have been straightened could help you to improve your oral hygiene standards. In recent years more and more adults have started to investigate tooth alignment treatment options that have become widely available, designed to help adults to gain the straighter and aligned teeth that they desire. invisalign-weybridge

Many adults living in the United Kingdom with misaligned, crooked, or protruding teeth may have been offered tooth alignment treatment in their teenage years, but decided not to engage with the treatment due to the fact they were at a stage in life that could have been extremely sensitive. This may have made them image conscious and they may have had a fear of being bullied by peers for looking a little different. This is something we can sympathise with.

The issue is that none of us necessarily wants to walk around with something in our mouths that may make us stand out in a crowd, this may be why many reject the idea of wearing traditional wired braces. This has now all changed as there are tooth alignment devices that can offer you a completely discreet treatment.

Weybridge Orthodontics invites you to contact our practice to enquire about a tooth alignment treatment by the name of Invisalign Weybridge.

An almost invisible treatment

We are sure that when you think about your need for tooth alignment treatment one of your considerations involves how discreet any treatment you may have will be, as you may not want others around you to be aware of the fact you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Invisalign Weybridge can give you the privacy you are looking for when having treatment, due to the materials in the creation of your treatment device.

Your aligner will be created by moulding two layers of clear and strong plastic together, this creates a brace that has the ability to appear invisible when worn over your teeth.

Unlike traditional braces, this is a treatment that uses a series of aligners that slowly reposition your teeth into their predicted position and alignment within your mouth. Each aligner in the series is worn in your mouth for around two weeks and then exchanged for the next in the series, this is something that you will be able to do for yourself eliminating the need for you to visit our practice any more than absolutely required.

You should be aware of the commitment you may need to make before starting your tooth alignment treatment, as this is a treatment programme that will take between twelve and eighteen months to complete. By the end of your treatment, you will achieve your goal of gaining even, aligned teeth, which should lead to you enjoying improvements in your oral health and hygiene standards.

Your next step

If you are looking to gain perfectly aligned teeth via a treatment that is totally discreet then we invite you to contact our practice and find out more details about Invisalign Weybridge.

Giving you perfectly straight teeth with the use of orthodontics

We know that if you are living with poorly aligned, crooked, or protruding teeth you may find maintaining high standards in your oral health and hygiene a struggle on a day-to-day basis. This can leave you at a greater risk of developing a common oral health issue such as gum disease or tartar build-up. orthodontics-in-weybridge

The heightened risk of developing an oral health issue may also lead to you living some of your life with some discomfort or pain in your mouth. This could cause you to have to visit a dental practice on a more frequent basis in order to receive treatment for dental problems that might have been avoidable if your teeth were aligned correctly.

You may have discussed tooth alignment treatment with a professional earlier in your life, perhaps during your early teenage years, but decided against engaging with it due to being at a point in your life where there were other worries for you to think about. This may have led you to think that your chance to receive alignment treatment has passed you by. However this would be incorrect, as there are many treatment options that are available to treat the misaligned teeth of adults.

At Weybridge Orthodontics we help our patients who have been living with misaligned teeth to gain the oral health improvements that they desire by allowing them to gain access to orthodontics Weybridge. By helping them gain the pristine teeth that they desire, our patients can enjoy a whole new experience concerning their oral health and hygiene, one that feels much more positive and with fewer oral health problems.

Now you can enjoy the benefits of treatment

There are many benefits that you can gain from undergoing tooth alignment treatment using orthodontics Weybridge, all of which will help you enjoy a better experience with your oral health. There is no good reason why you should live with any oral discomfort or pain any longer than necessary, given that tooth alignment treatments are more widely available than ever before.

After you have undergone treatment one of the main benefits that you should receive will be the ability to clean your teeth in a more thorough fashion when using a toothbrush. This should lead to you seeing some improvements within your oral hygiene standards and will lessen any risks that may lead to you developing things such as cavities or gum disease. If this becomes the case, you may also find that you are having to visit the dentist less to receive treatments that you may feel are uncomfortable and invasive.

If you are someone who experiences weakness in the bite when chewing and eating food, making the enjoyment of some of the food you wish to eat difficult or impossible, then having your teeth straightened may help to resolve this for you. After treatment, you will find you enjoy food in a new way and on your terms.

Make a positive change

Receiving tooth alignment treatment with orthodontics Weybridge starts with you making contact with our practice to book a consultation. This will allow us to assess your needs and take you through your treatment options. We invite you to take the first step that will lead to you making a positive change in your oral health and hygiene standards.

We help patients gain straighter teeth with Invisalign Weybridge

When we see patients to discuss why they want tooth alignment treatment we try to show them compassion and understanding at all times, as we know that many of those we see in our consultation rooms have often lived with a level of discomfort or pain for some time. If this is something you have experienced then it may be time for you to consider whether you would benefit from treatment yourself, as this may allow you to enjoy new heightened standards within your oral health and hygiene. invisalign-weybridge

You may have found yourself experiencing common oral health issues on a higher number of occasions when compared to others around you, due to the fact your teeth prove difficult to navigate when using traditional cleaning methods. This may mean that your teeth cannot be fully cleaned. Gum disease, plaque build-up, and tooth decay may be some of the problems that you find yourself suffering with, yet, these could be avoided by having your teeth realigned.

At Weybridge Orthodontics, we can help patients to gain the straight teeth that they desire using a treatment that is discreet in nature and has the ability to give patients the great results they expect. Invisalign Weybridge is a perfect tooth alignment treatment for many of the adult patients we come into contact with.

A modern way to treat misaligned teeth

We know that many adults who are considering tooth alignment treatment are concerned about how their mouth and teeth will look to others while wearing a brace, as many of us tend to think of wired braces when we think of orthodontic treatment. With Invisalign Weybridge, this concern can be taken away from our patients, as this treatment has the ability to hide in plain sight.

Your tooth aligners (as this is a treatment that uses a series of aligners) will be made by moulding two pieces of clear plastic together. This creates a transparent brace that has the ability to be practically invisible when worn in place in your mouth, making your treatment hidden from the eyes of people around you.

As already stated, this is a system that uses a series of aligners to give you the results that you desire, perfectly straight teeth. Each aligner in the series should be worn in your mouth for around two weeks and then exchanged for the next one in your treatment programme.

You should be aware that tooth alignment can prove to be a big commitment for you to undergo, as your treatment may take between twelve and eighteen months to complete. But, we are certain you will be happy with the results and your beautifully aligned teeth, you will also enjoy a new daily experience with your standards of oral health and hygiene.

Where to start

Your treatment begins by booking a consultation so that we can examine your teeth, gums, and mouth. This will allow us to assess your needs and the best way to achieve the results you are seeking. At this appointment we will take some scans and X-rays that will be used to help us develop your treatment schedule. We will also take you through the treatment options that are available to you depending on the condition that needs addressing, including Invisalign Weybridge.

Inconspicuous Incognito – All You Need To Know

What is so cool about Incognito Weybridge? You are about to find out! This system stands out as being possibly the most subtle form of orthodontic treatment and just as quick and effective as traditional wired braces! Intrigued? You should be! We have got all you need to know about Incognito. incognito-weybridge

What Is Incognito Weybridge?

Incognito is a wired brace system that sits behind the teeth instead of in front. Why is this so amazing? Because it makes the braces completely invisible. Just like normal braces, plates must be fitted to the surface of the teeth, and then a wire is placed between them to exert pressure on the teeth and move them into proper alignment.

What Makes Them So Special?

We at Weybridge Orthodontics think the biggest benefit of Incognito is that it is the only truly invisible brace system because all the work is done behind the teeth, allowing the braces to be completely hidden away from the public! And though other options such as Invisalign are equally subtle, they are still slightly noticeable.

They can fix complex issues. As Incognito Weybridge still works with plates and wires, it can solve complex dental issues that would otherwise be difficult with other more subtle avenues. If you want a complex move with a subtle brace, then Incognito is a no-brainer.

They are quick. Again as we are working with wires, we are able to apply lots of pressure to get those teeth moving fast! If you want to move teeth quickly, then once again, Incognito could be for you.

Caring For Incognito

One of the really, really important factors of committing to Incognito is understanding that you are committing yourself to a seriously strict dental hygiene routine which probably is not going to be the easiest. You might already be well aware that one of the most common places for plaque and tartar to build up is at the back of your teeth.

So, cleaning your teeth with Incognito is a task and one which you really need to be committed to or you will be having your braces removed to find yourself with early gum disease and decay!

How Do You Clean Them?

You will need to be very careful and take time when cleaning! You will also need to invest in a special soft-bristled brace brush and some thin interdental brushes. You will not be able to floss during this time, and you certainly should not be using any sort of dental scraper near the brace. We recommend investing in some mouthwash to make sure you are swilling away as much bacteria as you possibly can. And making sure to attend your checkups with us so we can check on the health of your teeth and gums just became even more important.

Taking Care Of Invisalign

Looking after your Invisalign Weybridge aligners does not need to be difficult; it can be very simple but does need to be done. Your aligners are an investment, one which can very quickly discolour and stain if not taken care of correctly, and with that being said, let’s look at what you should be doing to keep on top of your maintenance routine. incognito-weybridge

Cleaning Your Aligners

Your Invisalign aligners will be quite easy to clean and won’t take much time. All you need is a soft-bristled manual toothbrush and either white toothpaste or colourless soap.

Run your aligner under water, and use a tiny amount of toothpaste to brush along the inside and outside of the aligner; this should not take long or involve lots of scrubbing, and you should be careful not to cause any damage to the aligners by being too rough with them.

We at Weybridge Orthodontics highly recommend that patients invest in some sort of cleaning solution for their aligners. These solutions come in at various price points, and of course, it’s up to you how much you want to spend, but we find Retainer Brite tablets and even denture cleaner to work just as well as some of the more pricey cleaning solutions. These types of solutions are great for getting rid of bacteria and giving back the crystal clear shine to the aligners to ensure you are still getting the invisible aesthetic you are after.

Cleaning Your Teeth

It can be an easy trap to fall into when you start to wear aligners to want to be slightly laxer with your oral hygiene routine. Just because you have an extra appliance to clean doesn’t mean you should be taking your foot off the gas when it comes to cleaning your teeth and gums. Cleaning twice a day and flossing once a day is crucial if you want to maintain healthy teeth and gums whilst wearing your Invisalign Weybridge aligners.

Handy Extras

If you want to get gold star points for cleaning care, then we highly recommend that you always have a travel toothbrush and toothpaste with you. When you are undergoing treatment with Invisalign Weybridge, it is not going to hurt you to clean your teeth after every meal or when you’ve eaten a particularly sugary snack. Aligners can become little sweaty tents for bacteria to multiply in, and ridding your teeth of any starter sugars is only going to be a good thing.

You can never have enough brace cases! Hard shell cases are your new best friend. Cases protect your aligners against all sorts of things but mainly from the world itself! Aligners get broken and lost far more than you would probably think, and nine times out of ten, it’s because they weren’t put away in their box when they were taken out! Replacement aligners are costly, and we obviously don’t want patients spending more money than they have to! Invest in an extra case or two for those little emergencies!