Crooked Teeth

Crowded Teeth may Make You a Candidate for Pancreatic Cancer

Crowded teeth may be the reason for your headaches and jaw pains. The effects of malocclusiondo not limit themselves to the oral region, however. A recent study revealed that crooked teeth increase your chances of acquiring serious non-oral diseases like pancreatic cancer.

From malocclusion to pancreatic cancer

Weybridge OrthodonticsIt is easy to maintain proper oral hygiene when your teeth are straight and perfect. Disease-causing bacteria have a lower likelihood of lingering and infecting your teeth and gums.

On the other hand, crowded teeth cause difficulties in brushing or flossing your teeth, creating an opportunity for bacteria to thrive. Malocclusion, combined with poor oral hygiene, may lead to periodontitis or infection of the gums. Gum disease may lead not only to tooth loss but to pancreatic cancer, as well.

Researchers suggest that some bacteria from malocclusion-related gum disease contain carcinogenic compounds called nitrosamines, which may react to digestive chemicals in the gut. These might cause the body to become vulnerable to the development of pancreatic cancer. Other studies note that C reactive protein (CRP) found in the blood may be the cause for the likelihood of pancreatic cancer for people with periodontal disease.

A study published in the journal Gut revealed that certain types of gum disease-causing bacteria lead to twice the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. In addition, researchers found that men with a history of gum disease had a 64% increased risk of pancreatic cancer compared with those who never had gum disease. People with malocclusion have a higher risk of getting gum disease, thus increasing the chances of getting pancreatic cancer.

Treatment and Prevention

In acknowledgment of the link between crowded teeth and pancreatic cancer, dentists emphasise the importance of preventing malocclusion early. Observe proper oral hygiene by brushing twice and flossing once a day. Avoid grinding hard objects, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting and other habits that may affect teeth alignment.

Orthodontic treatments are necessary for those with signs of malocclusion, as well. Dentists encourage the use of teeth aligners, which come as conventional metal braces or discreet varieties.

Small discomfort and unsightly appearance are not the only things to worry about when you have crowded teeth. These may cause cancer and other serious diseases if left untreated. Surrey Orthodontics Limited providesclearRXaligners, allowing you to enjoy straight teeth and a nice smile even during treatments. Call us for more information on our orthodontic treatments.

Crooked Teeth Leads to More Serious Problems

Some people brush off their crooked teeth, thinking that it is better than having none at all. Contrary to popular opinion, having misaligned teeth may lead to more serious health problems if left alone. Here are some effects of having misaligned teeth:

Serious dental problems

gum diseasesCrooked teeth may lead to serious dental problems, such as plaque, tooth decay and gum diseases. As it is hard to brush and floss your teeth, bacteria may build up in areas that you cannot reach. Given that your teeth are not in their best position, constant chewing may build pressure on the wrong areas. These areas may wear out early and lead to cracked tooth or weak enamel, as well. Instead of paying for teeth alignment, you may end up spending more for restoring your teeth.

Trouble sleeping

Serious cases of teeth misalignment may lead to the development of sleep apnoea. It is a condition where a person experiences trouble in breathing whilst asleep. Your uneven teeth may block the airway, cut off your air supply and possibly threaten your life.

Eating problems

Misaligned teeth will make it hard for you to chew and digest food properly. They tend to produce unpleasant grating sounds while eating, which may be embarrassing and uncomfortable for you. Jaw pains due to crooked teeth will make you eat less and lose weight.

Speech impediments

One of the signs of misaligned teeth is having noticeable lisps or whistles when talking. Teeth play an important role in proper articulation of words. Misaligned teeth may affect the way you pronounce words and cause people to misunderstand or even ridicule you.


Crooked teeth may give you headaches, as well. Uneven bites prevent your jaws from relaxing, which tightens the muscles up to the head. Excess lactic acid accumulates and goes up, thus causing pains in the head and shoulders.

Do not underestimate misaligned teeth. They may affect not only your health, but your finances, lifestyle, and confidence, as well. At Weybridge Orthodontics, we aim to treat teeth misalignments. Our array of products includes metal braces, mouthguards, removable aligners and retainers to accommodate people with different dental problems. Visit our office for more information on our products and services.