Our goals

Weybridge Orthodontics aim to offer you the chance to get back that smile you thought you couldn’t have again. We have a range of great treatment options to offer you and we are here to help you make the choices you want, for the smile you’ve missed. We understand that worrying about the appearance of your teeth is difficult and we want to provide the answer to your problem.

invisalign-teethWhat is Invisalign?

In Weybridge, Invisalign is one of the treatments we are proud to offer. Invisalign makes clear polymer, removable braces that gently move your teeth into their correct position. They have several advantages over traditional braces.

While you should wear them as often as possible you can remove them when you need to, so if you’re going to a party you can leave them at home. Or if you need to look your best for that important meeting, you can leave them on your desk. But for day-to-day use they can be worn and you can still feel good about how you look.

Invisalign aligners are replaced every two weeks, and each set is individually designed for that specific part of the treatment process. If adjustments need to be made you don’t need to go through a long procedure at the dentist to accomplish an alteration.

What happens if I want to get Invisalign?

You can come into our practice where we will give you a consultation to help you decide if you want to get Invisalign. Weybridge Orthodontics are happy to give you all of your choices and help you make the decision that you will feel comfortable with. We will examine your teeth, taking moulds, and send them to our laboratory in the United States.

When we have your results, we will bring you back in and show you exactly what we can do for you with our 3D computer model. Your treatment plan will be laid out for you, including our fees and payment plans, and you can decide if you want to go ahead.

So, if you are considering getting Invisalign in Weybridge please contact us for more information. We will be happy to offer you advice and book you an appointment if you want more details.