A guide to incognito in Weybridge

A person’s smile can have a significant impact on their confidence. Here at Weybridge Orthodontics, we offer a whole host of options for everyone who wishes to get the best possible smile. One of those options is incognito in Weybridge. This is a form of braces that is an increasingly popular choice among patients of all ages. Here, we explain what is involved in this treatment and detail what the patient should know before deciding to go ahead.


What are incognito braces?

Incognito braces get their name from the fact that they are hidden to the outside world. They are also known as lingual braces and are positioned behind the teeth. They are composed of metal lines and brackets just like the ones that are affixed to the front of the teeth. Unlike other kinds of braces, these are highly customised, and can be shaped to match each individual tooth exactly.

What is involved?

The first step is to talk to us to find out if lingual braces are the best possible option. If the patient is concerned about feeling self-conscious during treatment, then these braces can be a great choice. This is because they are not visible to others, so no one has to know that the patient is having their teeth straightened if they do not wish to share this information.

We examine the mouth of the patient, checking that the gums are healthy before recommending these braces. This is important because having inflamed or diseased gums would be a barrier to getting treatment. We then take impressions of the teeth, which allows us to identify the exact position of every tooth individually. Doing this allows us to customise the braces to fit perfectly.

What the patient should know

If they decide that incognito in Weybridge is the best option, the patient should know that oral care during treatment is of vital importance. We recommend taking good care of the teeth and gums regardless of whether the patient has braces or not. However, wearing fixed braces means that the patient is more vulnerable to a buildup of plaque and food debris on the teeth.

This is because they can be trickier to clean due to the apparatus. However, with good advice from us on brushing techniques as well as regular check-ups, it is possible to keep the teeth and gums scrupulously clean. This means that they will look their best while wearing the braces, and that the patient can expect great results at the end of treatment.

Lingual braces for all ages

Because these braces are not visible to others, they are often chosen by people who have not been able to have their teeth straightened as teenagers. Adults undergoing orthodontic treatment may feel more concerned about others noticing the hardware, especially when working or socialising. These braces offer an ideal opportunity to get excellent results without having to reveal to anyone that they are there.

Having misaligned teeth corrected can be transformative in terms of people’s confidence, and this can have a positive impact in all areas of their life: including personal, social and career.