A history lesson by Weybridge Orthodontics

Many people know that orthodontics are a great solution to the problem of having overcrowded, gappy, misaligned or crooked teeth, but did you know where it all started?

The history of orthodontics

As far back as 400 BC historical figures like Hippocrates and Aristotle were considering different ways to straighten teeth, amongst trying to fix other dental conditions. It might sound really disgusting but the first braces were made by early dentists from animal products and though primitive, worked much in the same way that wires do today, to pull the teeth into the desired position. It just goes to show that even then people would go to extraordinary lengths to create the perfect smile!

weybridge-orthodonticsOrthodontics as a scientific discipline really took off in the 18th century when a Frenchman called Pierre Fauchard published a book called “The Surgeon Dentist” which referenced a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that helped expand the arch of the mouth.

It wasn’t until 1819 however, that anything like braces as we know and recognise them today, started to appear. Another French dentist named Delabarre introduced the “wire crib”, marking the birth of contemporary Orthodontics.

Gum elastic was added later to make the braces more efficient. The bands were made from rubber tubing and in 1858 the first official article was written on Orthodontics in a book called “Treatise on Oral Deformities”, published in 1880.

This was the beginning of the movement of orthodontics, the science of using force to realign teeth and create straighter smiles!

Modern Orthodontics in Weybridge

At Weybridge Orthodontics, we are glad that we have come a long way since those early days of animal guts and iron retainers! These days braces are made from the highest quality plastics, metals and elastic, as well as using a variety of other high tech materials and equipment to make the process as hygienic, easy, and efficient as possible.

You can search our website for the full range of treatments available, browse our staff information, testimonials and smile gallery. You can also give us a call on 01932 831 825 or email us at tc@weybridgeortho.com to find out more or book an appointment.