Discreet teeth straightening for a happier and healthier smile with Invisalign

Straightening your teeth can seem like a big decision to take and most people find the idea quite daunting. There have been many advances in dental technology over the last few decades and teeth straightening is definitely no longer as complicated as patients used to imagine it to be. invisalign-in-weybridge

You will be pleased to know that here at Weybridge Orthodontics you can straighten your teeth more simply and more effectively than ever before. We offer different types of teeth straightening options to suit your individual needs. We will carry out an examination of your teeth and gums and help decide what the ideal braces are for you.

Here at Weybridge Orthodontics one of the most popular choices of braces is Invisalign Weybridge.


Invisalign Weybridge consists of modern braces that are different to traditional fixed braces. If you have been researching orthodontic treatment then it is more than likely that you have come across Invisalign, but it is unlikely that you have seen people straightening their teeth with Invisalign. This is because Invisalign is almost invisible in the mouth. Invisalign Weybridge works using clear thermoplastic aligners that fit onto your teeth and so people see your natural teeth rather than an aligner, unless you wish to tell them that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

This is why it is one of the most popular choices of braces across the world. Invisalign was first introduced in 1999. In the last 24 years it has helped correct more than 14 million smiles already. It continues to be one of the most popular types of braces amongst patients of all ages.

Invisalign can be used in teenagers who are self-conscious or unhappy with the appearance of their smile already and do not want to draw further attention to their mouth. It can also be used in adults who want to straighten their teeth and improve the appearance of their smile without anyone noticing that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment. The treatment itself takes an average of 6 to 18 months depending on how crooked or wonky your teeth are to begin with.

More adults than ever before have straightened their teeth thanks to Invisalign and here at Weybridge Orthodontics we are happy to help you do the same. By straightening your teeth, you will improve the appearance of your smile, boosting your self-confidence and your self-esteem.

It may be that you suffer from minor aesthetic issues or you are looking to straighten your teeth to promote better dental health. Invisalign can do both. You can improve the appearance of your smile and by improving the alignment of your teeth you can improve your dental health for the future. By straightening your teeth with Invisalign you can brush your teeth more effectively, floss between your teeth more thoroughly too and therefore prevent plaque and tartar from building up in your mouth. This prevents a range of dental health complications and helps maintain a beautiful clean smile and excellent fresh breath.

Speak to us today and find out more about straightening your teeth and why Invisalign could be the best option for you.