Discreet teeth straightening with Incognito

At Weybridge Orthodontics we know that many patients want to straighten their teeth, but are worried because they are already unhappy with the appearance of their teeth and braces may draw further attention to their mouth. This is the reason why many people avoid orthodontic treatment despite having significantly crooked or wonky teeth. Thanks to advances in dental technology, you can straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted stares to your mouth. In doing so, not only will you improve the appearance of your smile, but you will also be able to enjoy better dental health for the future. teeth-straightening

Traditional orthodontic treatment is made up of metal brackets and wires that are attached to the front surface of your teeth and exert pressure to improve their alignment and create a neatly straight smile. This is perhaps the most effective method of straightening your teeth with excellent aesthetic results, improved dental health and great longevity. The treatment itself takes between one and three years, but the results and benefits last a lifetime. If this is what you are looking for, but you would like a more discreet treatment option then you need to speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics. We will carry out a smile assessment and address your orthodontic issues as well as a dental health assessment and find out if teeth straightening is suitable for you.

If your teeth are affected by decay or gum disease, this will need to be treated beforehand so that we do not cause further complications, damage or breakage of your teeth. But if we are happy that your teeth and gums are healthy, then we can consider teeth straightening immediately. An excellent method of correcting complex orthodontic needs at your discretion is with Incognito Weybridge.

The best of both worlds

Incognito Weybridge is an excellent alternative to traditional braces because it works in the same way and helps achieve similar results; however, the brackets and wires are attached to the back surface of your teeth so that they are hidden from sight. This means that you can straighten your teeth at your complete discretion. The brackets are fitted onto the back surface of each tooth and connected with an archwire. These components are just as effective as traditional braces, and can help correct crooked, wonky teeth, protruding teeth, overcrowded teeth and overlapping teeth. They can also be used in the treatment of bite disorders, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite. In this way, you can achieve a neatly aligned smile, and a healthier mouth.

Incognito Weybridge requires maintenance. This includes brushing your teeth very carefully because it is easy to get food particles stuck within your braces. Plaque and tartar can build up in your mouth, therefore as well as maintaining good dental hygiene at home it is important that you also visit our dentist regularly to keep your mouth clean whilst undergoing the process. The treatment itself may take slightly longer than traditional orthodontics. However, you can still achieve excellent results within one to three years. Incognito is more expensive than other types of braces, however you can call us and find out about payment plans if necessary. Speak to us today and find out more about incognito.