Incognito: a modern and effective alternative to metal braces

Having braces affixed to your teeth is no longer just for children going through adolescence, people from all age groups are considering having their teeth straightened, thanks to the changing world of modern orthodontics.

Incognito in WeybridgeAsk any person about their experiences of conventional braces and what they would change about it and their answers would be similar across the board: “To find an aid that effectively straightens my teeth but still allows me to keep a low profile.” Metal braces do their job, but such devices are anything but discreet.

If you are a thirty-something adult exploring your options, add Incognito braces in Weybridge to your list, or come and have a chat to our orthodontic’s team at Weybridge Orthodontics.

What are Incognito braces in Weybridge?

Incognito or lingual braces are devices that are fastened to the back of your teeth, i.e. the lingual or tongue-facing side.

From the brackets used to the wiring – everything about the straightening aid is custom designed to fit your teeth comfortably.

Will treatment time differ to regular braces?

As with any straightening device, duration varies from person to person and depends exclusively on the extent of your issue and how much work is required to get your teeth where you want them to be.

An advanced 3D mapping device photographs your teeth to create a lingual device that fits the shape of your teeth perfectly. Using such technology, your orthodontist can also predict the movement of your teeth over time and give a rough estimate of how long it takes to pull them into the desired position.

Benefits of lingual braces

Similar to Invisalign, the wearer can enjoy the perks of having a device that cannot be seen, unless a person is looking closely inside your mouth. But unlike Invisalign, lingual braces cannot be taken out, which for some, is advantageous. You will not have to worry about having to remember to place your aligner back into your mouth after eating, nor do you have to practice self-discipline to keep the device in your mouth despite having the freedom to remove it whenever you like.

While you still have to be cautious about what food you can eat, you do not have to worry about food getting stuck in the wires, because particles that do wedge themselves between your teeth are out of sight.

Do they hurt?

Braces of all kinds, even removable ones such as Invisible braces, cause discomfort initially.

Experiencing a sore and sensitive mouth for a few weeks after your braces are fitted is entirely normal and short lasting.

Are they expensive?

The amount you pay for Incognito braces is likely to exceed normal ones. However, if you are willing to pay the price for an invisible brace that will not affect how you look, you are not alone in this decision.

Adding to that, you are not just paying for the “look” but also a brace that is just the right fit for your mouth.

Have a chat to our orthodontist today if you are in the market for lingual braces and want to learn more about Incognito braces at Weybridge Orthodontics.