What are survival tips for Invisalign? A guide from our team

So, you have been given the green light from our team to use invisible aligners to straighten your smile. Great!

Different from braces, these aligners are removable, practically invisible, and allow for a much smoother ride when it comes to straightening teeth. But how do you care for them? invisalign-weybridge

When it comes to using Invisalign Weybridge, our team at Weybridge Orthodontics can help to make the process as easy as possible. We have been working with these aligners for over a decade and know all that there is to know about them, meaning that you will be in good hands.

So, what are some of our survival tips for using Invisalign Weybridge? Read on to find out!

Wear them consistently

One of the most critical factors in the success of invisible aligners is consistent wear. Invisalign Weybridge needs to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, so only remove them for eating, drinking (except for water), and oral hygiene routines. Deviating from the recommended wearing time can hinder the realignment and prolong the overall duration, meaning that you may need to wear them for longer, as well as pay more for retainers and other add-ons. Remember to reinsert the aligners promptly after each meal or snack to maintain the steady pressure required to shift your teeth into their desired positions.

Maintain oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is essential during your invisible aligner treatment. Make it a habit to brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal and floss before reinserting the aligners. This routine prevents food particles from getting trapped between your teeth and the aligners, reducing the risk of plaque build-up and potential cavities. Additionally, cleaning your aligners regularly with a prescribed cleaner or mild soap keeps them clear and odour-free.

Handle aligners with care

Invisible aligners are made of a durable yet delicate material that can warp or crack if mishandled. Always handle your aligners with clean hands, using gentle pressure when inserting and removing them from your mouth. Avoid bending or twisting the aligners, as this can alter their shape and hinder their ability to fit snugly over your teeth. When not in use, store the aligners in their designated case to protect them from damage and prevent loss.

Follow the treatment plan

It’s crucial to adhere to the plan we lay down for you with your aligners and switch to a new set of aligners as directed by your provider. These aligners will apply gradual pressure to your teeth, and each set plays a vital role in the overall alignment process. Skipping or prolonging the use of a set can disrupt the treatment timeline and compromise the results.

Attend regular appointments

Maintaining regular check-ups with our team is essential throughout your invisible aligner journey. We will monitor how your realignment is progressing, ensure that your teeth are moving as they need to, and will answer any queries that you have, or discuss any complications that you are having. These visits offer opportunities to address any concerns or discomfort you may experience and provide professional guidance to ensure the best possible outcome. So, be sure to stay in touch!