What tools do we use to give you Invisalign in Weybridge?

Modern dentistry is full of opportunities for you to refine and adjust your smile. You can use up-to date orthodontic equipment for realignment when you work with us at Weybridge Orthodontics.

One of the great options that we can offer you when you want to straighten your teeth with us is Invisalign in Weybridge. This system employs clear aligners that fit over the tops of your teeth. To give you an efficient and comfortable treatment, we utilise several tools to craft your aligners. These include:

Invisalign in WeybridgePhysical examination

Like most treatments, Invisalign in Weybridge starts with a standard dental examination. This is the beginning of the data gathering that will build your treatment. It’s also the time that we check that your teeth are healthy and ready for the pressure of a teeth straightening treatment.

3D scanning

Modern technology allows us to get an accurate picture of your teeth. It covers all the surfaces and helps us to plan a successful treatment that works in as short a time period as possible.


This is the software that we use to show you how your treatment will progress. Many patients find it motivating and exciting to see a digital model of their teeth moving to their new positions. The information is also used to create your Invisalign aligners.

Invisalign expertise

When we send your data to Invisalign, they create your aligners and return them to us at the clinic. They have nearly 30 years’ worth of experience working with more than 4 million smiles all over the world. This is the level of expertise that we can offer you when you choose Invisalign in Weybridge.

Once your aligners are returned to us, we give them to you at your next appointment. You have control over your treatment although, for it to work effectively, you must follow the instructions that we give you along with your equipment. These include details on how to manage your treatment as well as tips on keeping your mouth healthy and your aligner clean and clear. We invite you to come to the clinic for check-ups at regular intervals so that we can monitor your progress and check that you are satisfied with how things are going.