Healthy smiles

If the poor alignment of your teeth is getting you down, but you don’t want to spend ages wearing highly visible braces, you might want to consider Invisalign in Weybridge. At Weybridge Orthodontics, we’ve provided Invisalign for many years. We’ve seen how it can transform your dental alignment without causing social discomfort. It uses transparent plastic to stay hidden, and meticulous design to provide great results.

Invisalign in WeybridgeMethodical treatment

Invisalign in Weybridge is effective for a variety of realignment needs. At your initial consultation, we’ll have a look at your teeth and determine whether it’s an appropriate solution for you. Then we’ll use 3D imaging software to capture some detailed measurements of your mouth.

Based on these measurements, a dental laboratory will produce for you a series of aligners, made of transparent plastic. You’ll wear the first pair of these aligners for 7-10 days, then the next pair in the series for another 7-10 days, and so on until the end of the treatment. Each aligner’s shape is subtly different to the one that came before it, so the alignment of your teeth gradually changes.

Convenient and comfortable

Wearing Invisalign in Weybridge will straighten your teeth in a convenient and discreet fashion. The aligners are very transparent, so they don’t draw attention to themselves. Plus, they don’t need to be attached to your teeth. You can therefore take them out of your mouth at mealtimes, or when it’s time to take care of your oral hygiene.

Usually, our patients spend 12-18 months wearing Invisalign in Weybridge. This might be longer or shorter in your case, depending on how much adjustment we need to achieve. Once you’ve removed the final pair of aligners, you’ll need to use a retainer. You wear this while you sleep, and it ensures that your teeth stay firmly in their new positions.

The benefits brought to you by Invisalign in Weybridge will last for many years. You’ll enjoy improved dental comfort, better oral hygiene, and a more appealing smile. The risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay will be lower, because it’ll be easier to keep your teeth clean and fresh.