Fly under the radar with your braces treatment

Are you tired of friends telling you how discreet their teeth straightening treatment was? It seems getting your teeth straightened as an adult is all the rage with clear aligners and tooth-coloured bracket and wire braces increasingly available at the dentist. Great for all of them, but perhaps not so much for you if you’ve been told your misalignments are too severe for clear aligners or those tooth-coloured fixed braces. Well there is no need to be down in the dumps about it anymore, not when you can get Incognito in Weybridge.

Incognito in WeybridgeYou don’t need to wear conspicuous fixed metal braces and endure stares and perhaps even sniggers. Incognito in Weybridge from Weybridge Orthodontics is a discreet, fixed braces treatment that can handle severe misalignments with ease.

How is this possible? It comes down to their innovative design.

Designed for discretion

Incognito uses the traditional mechanics of fixed metal braces pulling your teeth into alignment but with one massive difference – they are fixed onto the backs of your teeth. Each bracket is custom-made to fit the contours of the backs of your teeth, where they are secured in place by our braces dentist. They are completely hidden from view and are therefore the only braces treatment for severe misalignments that is both effective and discreet.

Time to adjust

Having braces on the backs of your teeth, next to your tongue, takes a little getting used to. But eventually the feel of those brackets and wires won’t be a distraction and you’ll be able to get on with your day as normal. You will have to invest some time in cleaning your braces properly, which can be a little trickier with the brackets on the backs of your teeth. But with some practice and advice from your dentist, you will get the hang of it.

Getting started

If you want to straighten out your teeth without the whole world knowing about it, then Incognito in Weybridge could be the way to go. The first step is to book a consultation with our braces dentist who will examine your teeth, take impressions and maybe x-rays too. So get in touch and we’ll get started.