Need to convince your kid that braces are a good idea?

So you have just been to the dentist with your child and have been told they need braces. How do you convince them that this will be of a benefit to them? Far from the most popular dental procedure, braces have an extremely bad name. However, globally, they are one of the most common corrective procedures and in dentistry and they are also highly recommended to prevent secondary issues from occurring.


At Weybridge Dental, our team is proud to be able to offer our patients 3 types of orthodontics in Weybridge; early treatment, interceptive treatment, and adult treatment. In relation to children, our team aims to provide a more fun-filled experience while they are wearing their braces, and will ensure that they are comfortable at all times during treatment.

But, how do you convince your now grumpy kid that this will be worthwhile? By remembering these 5 facts about the benefits or early orthodontics in Weybridge.

Improved self confidence

It may seem counterintuitive to state that orthodontics in Weybridge will actually improve your child’s confidence; after all, metal braces are far from flattering or discreet!

However, it is an unfortunate fact that children who have dental misalignments are often bullied and may report feeling ostracised from their peers at school. A brace will reassure them that their dental issue is getting treated and allow them to interact with their friends with confidence.

Better oral health

There are no two ways about it; straighter teeth are easier to clean.

If your child has spaced, crooked or an uneven bite, there will undoubtedly be spaces in their mouth that they cannot reach properly while brushing. This leads to an accumulation of plaque and bacteria that can cause decay and gum inflammation. While there will be some extra work required to keep their braces clean, as their teeth straighten, brushing will become easier to manage and their overall oral health will improve.

Reduced treatment time

After our adult teeth come through, they become more set in place over time, making them more tricky to move.

As braces are usually fitted by the age of 7 years, this allows for a faster treatment time, due to the newly erupted adult teeth being easier to move without discomfort or excess force.

Reduced risk of trauma

Children fall over a lot. It is a fact of life!

But, children who have protruding teeth are at a higher risk of trauma to the inside of their lips, tongue and even of losing their teeth altogether. While it may seem illogical to try to remedy this with a heavy, metal appliance, a brace will help to straighten the teeth and provide a long term solution to the risk of serious oral traumas.


Longer treatment times equate to higher costs!

As an adult, your child may find it expensive (not to mention uncomfortable) to resolve their misaligned smile and so, it is worthwhile to invest in this procedure while they are young and can have treatments completed quickly and without secondary complications.