Isn’t Invisalign uncomfortable? 5 myths about this invisible brace answered by Weybridge Orthodontics

In recent years, dentistry has advanced exponentially, to make orthodontic treatment faster, cheaper and more accessible for everyone.

While there is an ongoing myth that adults cannot undertake orthodontic procedures, more and more adults are approaching their dentists about getting a straighter smile. Of course, many adults are put off of the idea of having traditional, orthodontic braces fitted, prompting a revolution in adult orthodontic aligners.


At Weybridge Orthodontics, our dentists are proud to be able to offer our patients a wide array of orthodontic treatments. One of the most popular aligners among our adult patients is Invisalign; in Weybridge, we are able to treat suitable patients with this world-famous aligner, making their orthodontic journey a smoother and easier one.

But, like many advanced technologies, this invisible aligner has attracted its fair share of myths and falsehoods, which prevents many patients from seeking it out.

Do you want to know the truth behind the myths? Are you curious if Invisalign in Weybridge can help you get a straighter smile? Read on to find out more!

Invisible braces can only correct minor alignment issues

This is one of the most common misconceptions about Invisalign in Weybridge.

Although a member of our dental team will need to assess your suitability for treatment with this aligner, invisible braces can correct moderate to severe misalignment issues. Typically, invisible braces are helped to correct issues with gaps or spacing in the teeth but, but can also be used to reverse overcrowding and even protrusions.

Invisible braces are available online for cheaper

While this is not exactly a myth, it is far from the truth.

If you type invisible braces into any search engine, you will be bombarded with offers about aligners that can straighten your teeth without needing a dental check-up. This is obviously false.

In the same way, you would (hopefully!) not order prescription glasses online without an eye test, you should never order complex orthodontic treatments online. These aligners are often harmful and can create more issues with your teeth than they correct.

If you want a straighter smile, trust our dental team to help you get it!

Invisible braces are more expensive than traditional braces

It may feel unfair that invisible braces often come with such a hefty price tag, but in comparison to traditional orthodontics, they are often a better financial option.

As invisible braces offer accelerated treatment times, they also often offer patients a substantially lower price tag.

Invisible braces cause speech issues

Invisible braces are removable and so, it may seem logical that they cause speech issues.

However, they are custom-fitted to slot over your teeth, like a glove so to speak, and should therefore not become loose.

Invisible braces are uncomfortable

One of the key benefits of invisible aligners is their comfort. As they fit perfectly over your teeth and are made of malleable but durable plastic, there should be no discomfort at all while wearing them. They are even comfortable enough to wear to bed without hassle.