What are survival tips for Invisalign? A guide from our team

So, you have been given the green light from our team to use invisible aligners to straighten your smile. Great!

Different from braces, these aligners are removable, practically invisible, and allow for a much smoother ride when it comes to straightening teeth. But how do you care for them? invisalign-weybridge

When it comes to using Invisalign Weybridge, our team at Weybridge Orthodontics can help to make the process as easy as possible. We have been working with these aligners for over a decade and know all that there is to know about them, meaning that you will be in good hands.

So, what are some of our survival tips for using Invisalign Weybridge? Read on to find out!

Wear them consistently

One of the most critical factors in the success of invisible aligners is consistent wear. Invisalign Weybridge needs to be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, so only remove them for eating, drinking (except for water), and oral hygiene routines. Deviating from the recommended wearing time can hinder the realignment and prolong the overall duration, meaning that you may need to wear them for longer, as well as pay more for retainers and other add-ons. Remember to reinsert the aligners promptly after each meal or snack to maintain the steady pressure required to shift your teeth into their desired positions.

Maintain oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is essential during your invisible aligner treatment. Make it a habit to brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal and floss before reinserting the aligners. This routine prevents food particles from getting trapped between your teeth and the aligners, reducing the risk of plaque build-up and potential cavities. Additionally, cleaning your aligners regularly with a prescribed cleaner or mild soap keeps them clear and odour-free.

Handle aligners with care

Invisible aligners are made of a durable yet delicate material that can warp or crack if mishandled. Always handle your aligners with clean hands, using gentle pressure when inserting and removing them from your mouth. Avoid bending or twisting the aligners, as this can alter their shape and hinder their ability to fit snugly over your teeth. When not in use, store the aligners in their designated case to protect them from damage and prevent loss.

Follow the treatment plan

It’s crucial to adhere to the plan we lay down for you with your aligners and switch to a new set of aligners as directed by your provider. These aligners will apply gradual pressure to your teeth, and each set plays a vital role in the overall alignment process. Skipping or prolonging the use of a set can disrupt the treatment timeline and compromise the results.

Attend regular appointments

Maintaining regular check-ups with our team is essential throughout your invisible aligner journey. We will monitor how your realignment is progressing, ensure that your teeth are moving as they need to, and will answer any queries that you have, or discuss any complications that you are having. These visits offer opportunities to address any concerns or discomfort you may experience and provide professional guidance to ensure the best possible outcome. So, be sure to stay in touch!

Different orthodontics to look into for adults in 2023

A dazzling smile is a universally cherished attribute that can boost confidence and enhance one’s overall appearance. Over the years, orthodontic treatments have evolved significantly, providing individuals with a variety of options to achieve the perfect smile. From traditional braces to modern aligners, each method caters to different needs and preferences. orthodontics-weybridge

Luckily, in 2023, there are lots of different kinds of orthodontics Weybridge, and our team will help you to choose the right options for your teeth and the realignment of your smile.

In this article, we delve into the most popular orthodontics Weybridge, such as braces and aligners, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for various dental conditions.

Traditional metal braces

Traditional metal braces have been the go-to orthodontics Weybridge for decades. Composed of metal brackets and wires, these braces work by exerting consistent pressure on the teeth to shift them into their desired positions. Despite the emergence of newer alternatives, traditional braces remain a popular choice due to their proven effectiveness and relatively lower cost.

The primary advantage of metal braces is their versatility in addressing various dental issues, from mild misalignments to more complex cases like severe crowding and bite problems. Additionally, they are often the preferred option for younger patients, as they can be customised with colourful elastics, making the journey more enjoyable for children and teenagers.

Ceramic braces

Ceramic braces offer a more discreet alternative to traditional metal braces. Instead of metal brackets, they feature tooth-coloured or clear ceramic brackets, blending in with the natural colour of teeth. The use of clear or white wires further enhances their subtlety, making them a popular choice among adults and image-conscious individuals.

While ceramic braces are aesthetically pleasing, they may be more prone to staining and slightly less durable than metal braces. However, advancements in technology have improved their resilience and made them more resistant to discolouration over time.

Lingual braces

Lingual braces are a hidden gem among orthodontic treatments. Lingual braces are fixed to the back (lingual) surface, making them virtually invisible from the outside. This discreet nature has earned them popularity among adults and teenagers who wish to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their orthodontic treatment.

Due to their unique placement, lingual braces require a high level of customisation, which can result in a higher cost compared to traditional braces. Additionally, they may take some time to get used to as they can interfere with tongue movement initially.


Invisalign has gained immense popularity in recent years. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign employs a series of clear, removable aligners made of medical-grade plastic. These aligners are custom-made using 3D imaging technology, which will gradually shift your teeth into their desired positions.

The key advantage of Invisalign is its virtually invisible appearance, which appeals to both teenagers and adults seeking a discreet orthodontic solution. Furthermore, the aligners can be removed for eating and cleaning, allowing for greater convenience and oral hygiene throughout the treatment process.

However, it’s important to note that Invisalign may not be suitable for complex dental issues or severe misalignments. In such cases, traditional braces or lingual braces may be recommended for more effective results.

The Magic of Invisalign; Realigning Teeth Without Traditional Braces

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished for a straighter, more radiant smile? You’re not alone. Many of us dream of perfect teeth, but the thought of traditional metal braces is often a non-starter. The discomfort, the aesthetic concerns, and the maintenance can be overwhelming. But what if I told you that there’s a way to achieve that dream smile without the need for traditional braces? invisalign-weybridge

Here at Weybridge Orthodontics, we’re proud to introduce a revolutionary approach to teeth realignment that doesn’t involve metal braces. We’re talking about Invisalign Weybridge, a game-changing solution that’s transforming smiles and boosting confidence across the globe.

The Invisible Revolution: Clear Aligners

Invisible orthodontics primarily involves the use of clear aligners, a modern alternative to traditional braces. These aligners are custom-fit to your teeth and are virtually invisible. They’re designed to slowly shift your teeth into their correct positions, just like traditional braces, but without the metal wires and brackets.

The beauty of clear aligners lies in their subtlety. You can wear them throughout the day without anyone noticing. They’re removable, which means you can take them out when eating, brushing, or for special occasions. This flexibility allows you to live your life without any interruptions or discomfort.

The Journey to a Perfect Smile: How It Works

The journey to your perfect smile begins with a comprehensive dental examination. We use advanced 3D imaging technology to capture detailed images of your teeth. These images are combined into a 3d model and then used to create a precise treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Next, we use these images to design your custom-made, clear aligners. Each set of aligners is slightly different, moving your teeth gradually over time. Approximately every two weeks, you’ll switch to a new set of aligners, bringing you one step closer to your dream smile.

The duration of the treatment varies between patients, but typically it ranges from 6 to 18 months. Throughout the process, we’ll schedule regular check-ups to monitor your progress and ensure everything is moving along as planned.

The Benefits: More Than Just Aesthetics

While the aesthetic appeal of invisible orthodontics is undeniable, the benefits go far beyond just looks. Invisalign Weybridge are more comfortable and easy to wear. Without metal wires or brackets, there’s less chance of irritation to your gums and cheeks.

Moreover, because they’re removable, maintaining oral hygiene is much simpler. You can brush and floss as usual. Plus, there are no food restrictions. You can continue to enjoy all your same favorite foods without worrying about damaging your braces.

Your Dream Smile Awaits

So, are you ready to start your journey towards a straighter, more radiant smile without the need for traditional braces? We’re here to make that dream a reality. Feel free to contact us today to schedule your initial consultation. Let’s embrace the future of dentistry together and unlock the power of your smile. Your dream smile awaits, and it’s closer than you think. With Invisalign Weybridge, the future of dental care is here, and it’s brighter than ever.

Discreet teeth straightening with Incognito

At Weybridge Orthodontics we know that many patients want to straighten their teeth, but are worried because they are already unhappy with the appearance of their teeth and braces may draw further attention to their mouth. This is the reason why many people avoid orthodontic treatment despite having significantly crooked or wonky teeth. Thanks to advances in dental technology, you can straighten your teeth without drawing unwanted stares to your mouth. In doing so, not only will you improve the appearance of your smile, but you will also be able to enjoy better dental health for the future. teeth-straightening

Traditional orthodontic treatment is made up of metal brackets and wires that are attached to the front surface of your teeth and exert pressure to improve their alignment and create a neatly straight smile. This is perhaps the most effective method of straightening your teeth with excellent aesthetic results, improved dental health and great longevity. The treatment itself takes between one and three years, but the results and benefits last a lifetime. If this is what you are looking for, but you would like a more discreet treatment option then you need to speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics. We will carry out a smile assessment and address your orthodontic issues as well as a dental health assessment and find out if teeth straightening is suitable for you.

If your teeth are affected by decay or gum disease, this will need to be treated beforehand so that we do not cause further complications, damage or breakage of your teeth. But if we are happy that your teeth and gums are healthy, then we can consider teeth straightening immediately. An excellent method of correcting complex orthodontic needs at your discretion is with Incognito Weybridge.

The best of both worlds

Incognito Weybridge is an excellent alternative to traditional braces because it works in the same way and helps achieve similar results; however, the brackets and wires are attached to the back surface of your teeth so that they are hidden from sight. This means that you can straighten your teeth at your complete discretion. The brackets are fitted onto the back surface of each tooth and connected with an archwire. These components are just as effective as traditional braces, and can help correct crooked, wonky teeth, protruding teeth, overcrowded teeth and overlapping teeth. They can also be used in the treatment of bite disorders, including overbite, underbite, and crossbite. In this way, you can achieve a neatly aligned smile, and a healthier mouth.

Incognito Weybridge requires maintenance. This includes brushing your teeth very carefully because it is easy to get food particles stuck within your braces. Plaque and tartar can build up in your mouth, therefore as well as maintaining good dental hygiene at home it is important that you also visit our dentist regularly to keep your mouth clean whilst undergoing the process. The treatment itself may take slightly longer than traditional orthodontics. However, you can still achieve excellent results within one to three years. Incognito is more expensive than other types of braces, however you can call us and find out about payment plans if necessary. Speak to us today and find out more about incognito.

Advantages of teeth straightening with Invisalign

Over the last few decades, we have seen a lot of change in orthodontics. There are many different types of braces that are available to straighten your teeth. This is because many people are becoming reluctant to straighten their teeth with traditional metal braces. This has led to the development of different types of braces that offer discretion whilst still achieving excellent aesthetic results. This means that you can now straighten your teeth at your discretion without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth. teeth-straightening

Advantages of teeth straightening

Straightening your teeth has many advantages. Firstly, it transforms the appearance of your smile. This improves your overall appearance and it also improves your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It helps you make better first impressions and it brings positivity into your social life, your professional life and general wellbeing. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile you need to speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics and find out about straightening your teeth.

Another significant advantage of straightening your teeth is improving your dental health at the same time. Straightening your teeth helps reduce the nooks and crannies in your mouth in which bacteria can build up. This means that your teeth become easier to clean. There is less plaque and tartar on your teeth and therefore less chance of developing cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. Rather you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for the rest of your life. You need to speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics and find out about Invisalign Weybridge.

Invisalign as an alternative treatment

Invisalign Weybridge is an excellent alternative to traditional braces, especially for patients who are looking for discretion. Invisalign Weybridge works using medical grade thermoplastic aligners rather than metal brackets and wires. These aligners are almost invisible in the mouth. First introduced in 1999, Invisalign has quickly become popular across the world. By 2023 it has already helped treat more than 14 million patients and with our help you can also straighten your teeth and achieve excellent results using Invisalign.

Speak to us at the practice today. Let us carry out a dental assessment as well as a smile assessment and find out if Invisalign is the best option for you. If so we will carry out a three-dimensional scan which will be used to create a sequence of aligners that will help push your teeth into a neater formation. In this way, you can enjoy the benefits of improving the appearance of your smile and improving your dental health.

You will be pleased to know that Invisalign is suitable for patients of all ages. It can be used in teenagers and adults of all ages with no upper age limit. The aligners can straighten your teeth in as little as 6 months or if you have complex issues, it can take between 12 and 18 months. In this way, you can address crooked, wonky teeth, protruding teeth, overlapping teeth, overcrowded teeth and bite disorders. You will reduce the chance of developing dental health complications in the future, smiling happily and confidently for the rest of your life.

Advantages of teeth straightening with orthodontics

There are many different types of orthodontics Weybridge to straighten your teeth, improve the appearance of your smile and promote better dental health and wellbeing. Orthodontics Weybridge is popular in teenagers whose adult teeth have erupted in a crooked and wonky fashion. The majority of children will suffer from a certain extent of misalignment and a perfect smile is very rare. orthodontics-weybridge

There are different reasons for crooked and wonky teeth. Genetics play a major part in the alignment of your teeth, as do a lot of habits and choices. If you use a pacifier in your younger years, if you drink from a bottle for a long period of time or if you suck your thumb, then this can affect the alignment of your teeth. Overcrowding and hyperdontia can also cause crooked and wonky teeth. Overcrowding can occur if your jaw is too small to fit your teeth and hyperdontia is when there are more teeth than normal and not enough space to hold them.

Studies show that 90% of the population have teeth that are at least slightly misaligned, or maloccluded, therefore if you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, rest assured you are not alone and orthodontics Weybridge can help address your issues, achieve a brand-new smile and healthier teeth and gums at the same time.

Traditional braces

Traditional orthodontics is carried out using metal dental braces. These consist of metal brackets that are fixed to the front surface of your teeth and an archwire that connects the brackets and exerts pressure on your teeth to create a neatly aligned smile. This is the most effective method of orthodontics. It has been used for over a century and is therefore also the most tried and tested. It produces excellent aesthetic results with good longevity. Unfortunately, the brackets and wires are highly visible and therefore patients sometimes avoid orthodontic treatment or look for a more discreet treatment option. In this case, you can think about Incognito lingual braces which work in exactly the same way, but are attached to the back surface of your teeth. Incognito lingual braces are more expensive than traditional braces, however, they provide excellent discretion and no one will even know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment unless you wish to tell them.


If you are looking for a removable option, then you can speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics and find out about Invisalign. Invisalign uses medical grade thermoplastic aligners that can be taken out of your mouth and replaced as necessary. They are very discreet and they are also very convenient. They help you straighten your teeth with very few appointments at the dental practice, and with most people not even noticing that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Speak to us at Weybridge Orthodontics today. Let us help you decide which is the best treatment option for you. We will help you enjoy a beautiful smile, less dental complications in the future with healthy teeth and gums, and a better quality of life. Speak to us and find out about orthodontic treatment sooner rather than later.

Invisalign Weybridge as a modern alternative to traditional braces

There are many reasons why you may be unhappy with the appearance of your smile. Most people are troubled by yellow or stained teeth and this seems to be one of the most common cosmetic complaints at the dentist. Another common complaint is crooked and wonky teeth. invisalign-weybridge

Here in the UK, most people suffer from slightly crooked or wonky teeth, however this is slowly becoming less of a problem. This is thanks to the introduction of a range of different types of braces that are great alternatives to traditional metal braces, and help the patient improve the appearance of their teeth without anyone knowing that they are undergoing orthodontic treatment.

If you are embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth then it is likely that you’d want to avoid further attention being drawn to your mouth. This is why most people avoid metal braces due to being highly visible, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. If you are looking for an excellent alternative to traditional braces then speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics and find out about Invisalign Weybridge.

Invisalign Weybridge is a modern and discrete method of teeth straightening ideal for the modern generation, especially young adults, because of the long-term benefits that it can have. Invisalign Weybridge will transform the appearance of your teeth creating a neatly aligned, symmetrical, and straight smile that will attract the right type of attention; encouraging you to smile more often and bring positivity and good vibes into your life.

Invisalign Weybridge also helps promote better dental health. Straight teeth are significantly less likely to develop cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease than crooked and wonky teeth. By straightening your teeth sooner rather than later you can look after your teeth more effectively which means that there is less chance of developing such diseases and facing complications in the future.

To find out if Invisalign is suitable for you, book an appointment with us at Weybridge orthodontics. After carrying out a thorough dental assessment, we will be able to identify the misalignment issues of your teeth as well as any underlying dental health conditions which may need addressing.

Individually tailored treatment plans

We will then put together an individually tailored treatment plan for you. Any signs of cavities, tooth decay, or gum disease will need to be dealt with before you can begin straightening your teeth. Once we are happy that your teeth and gums are clean, healthy, and strong we will carry out a 3-dimensional scan of your mouth. This is used to put together the Invisalign treatment plan. It also helps you see what your teeth could look like with that successful Invisalign treatment. We will be able to estimate a timeframe for your treatment and we will calculate the cost of the treatment as well. If you are happy with the plan then we can proceed by placing an order for your aligners. Within approximately three weeks they should arrive at the practice and we can begin your journey to a beautiful, straight smile with Invisalign. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics today to find out more.

Discreet teeth straightening with incognito Weybridge

There are different ways to straighten your teeth; some ways are better suited to certain types of misalignment or malocclusion. Your choice of braces is not only down to your personal preference, but also depends on the issues that are affecting the alignment of your teeth. incognito-weybridge

More people than ever before have straightened their teeth since the introduction of discrete treatment options. In previous generations, traditional metal wire and bracket braces which are fixed to the surface of your teeth were the only option; due to this, not many people were keen on teeth straightening. Now, teenagers and adults of all ages are straightening their teeth thanks to the options that are available to them. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics and find out about the different types of braces that we have to offer.

We are pleased to be able to offer you braces that will be suited to your orthodontic needs, but also to your personal preferences. Teeth straightening can take one or two years; therefore, we want you to be happy with your choice of braces. If you are embarrassed by the appearance of your teeth and are worried about drawing further unwanted attention to your mouth, then speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics and find out about discrete teeth straightening. Discrete teeth straightening can be just as effective as traditional teeth straightening, however it works with discrete components that are either clear or tooth coloured so that they are almost invisible when they are in your mouth.

Incognito Weybridge

An excellent method of straightening your teeth at your discretion is with Incognito Weybridge. Incognito Weybridge is a type of fixed dental braces known as lingual braces that work in the same way as traditional braces; however, they are fixed to the inside of your mouth which makes them an excellent alternative. The gold alloy brackets are fixed to the inner surface of each tooth and are joined with a custom-made precision wire. These tools remain hidden from sight; no one will notice that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, unless you wish to tell them. Designed using the latest in CAD/CAM computer technology, the components follow the contours of your teeth for maximum comfort and minimal interference with speech. You do have to be careful with what you eat, however, and you will need to avoid hard or chewy foods as this could dislodge the brackets. This is the same with traditional braces.

Incognito Weybridge can be used for improving the alignment of overcrowded teeth, gaps between the teeth, crooked and wonky teeth as well as different types of bite disorders. Incognito Weybridge can also be used for simple cosmetic issues and mild orthodontic cases too.

The advantage of Incognito is that you will achieve the efficacy of traditional braces whilst enjoying the discretion that the braces offer by being fixed to the inside of your teeth. This makes it a highly popular choice of orthodontic treatment for those with complex orthodontic needs. They are more expensive than traditional braces, however you can speak to us about a payment plan for your convenience. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics today and find out more.

Invisalign Weybridge – teeth straightening with clear aligners

Crooked teeth can cause a number of different problems. Firstly, it can affect the appearance of your smile. Most people are attracted to beautiful smiles and if you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile then this can affect your self-confidence and your self-esteem. It can also affect the way other people perceive you; thus, it can have a negative impact on different aspects of your life. By straightening your teeth, not only will you boost your self-confidence and your self-esteem, but you will also change other people’s perception of you. A beautiful smile is attractive and it can have a positive impact on you and the people around you. You will be encouraged to smile more often and smile happily; ultimately, this can have a great effect on your mental health and well-being. invisalign-weybridge

Invisalign Weybridge

If you want to find out about straightening your teeth, come speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics. We will carry out an assessment of your dental health and make sure that there are no underlying issues. If you are affected by signs of tooth decay or gum disease then we will start by addressing these issues first so that it is safe to move your teeth.

Teeth straightening can be carried out in different ways. Here at Weybridge orthodontics, Invisalign Weybridge is a very popular method of teeth straightening. It has been available for just over 20 years but it has already helped more than 14 million patients across the world. Invisalign Weybridge it is a modern method of teeth straightening, the pioneer of clear aligners systems.

Clear aligners

Clear aligners systems are different to traditional orthodontic treatment in that it uses clear thermoplastic aligners to straighten your teeth rather than metal wires and brackets. These aligners are designed to fit your teeth with accuracy and precision, applying gradual pressure to push them in a certain direction. They are tight fitting and they are almost invisible when worn in the mouth. This is another reason why Invisalign Weybridge is an excellent choice of orthodontic treatment, because it gives you complete discretion. You can straighten your teeth at any age without drawing unwanted attention to your mouth. No one will know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment unless you wish to tell them.

Here at Weybridge orthodontics we will design a sequence of aligners for you. This may be a sequence of 10 aligners or 50 aligners depending on your individual dental needs. Each aligner is worn for approximately two weeks at a time. After this you move onto the next aligner in the sequence and during this time your teeth should have moved by approximately 0.25 mm towards a straighter and neater formation. On average, Invisalign Weybridge takes between 6 and 18 months to straighten your teeth after which you can speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics and find out about a retainer. Invisalign have their very own retainer which can help maintain your beautiful new smile for the rest of your life. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics today. Find out how teeth straightening can benefit you in many different ways and soon you will have a beautiful new smile with which you can enjoy better dental health in the future.

Straighten your teeth at your discretion with orthodontics Weybridge

If you suffer from crooked and wonky teeth it is time you do something about it. Crooked and wonky teeth can affect the appearance of your smile and it can also affect your dental health at the same time. You are more likely to develop dental health complications such as tooth decay and gum disease if you have crooked and wonky teeth. orthodontics-weybridge

In the last few decades, so many different types of orthodontic treatments and procedures have become available that there is simply no excuse for not straightening your teeth. In previous generations people were reluctant to undergo teeth straightening because they did not like the appearance of traditional braces in their mouth. Traditional braces work with metal wires and brackets which are highly effective at straightening your teeth. For teenagers it is the perfect choice of teeth straightening. For those who are slightly more conscientious or embarrassed by the appearance of their teeth already you may be looking for a more discrete version of orthodontics Weybridge.

Invisible orthodontics

Advances in dental technology means that orthodontics Weybridge can be used to straighten your teeth effectively at your discretion. There are different types of invisible orthodontics Weybridge. Invisible orthodontics Weybridge can be used for different orthodontic needs. Invisible orthodontics can be fixed braces that are designed for complex misalignment issues of the teeth or you can find out about removable braces that are better suited for mild or moderate misalignment issues of the teeth. Whatever type of issues you have you need to speak to our dentist at Weybridge orthodontics and undergo an assessment of your teeth.

Our dentist will be able to decide whether or not you need fixed braces or if removable braces will be able to address the misalignment issues of your teeth. Both types of braces are highly effective; some are simply better suited for certain patients. It also depends on your preferences. Fixed braces exert constant pressure to your teeth to create a neatly aligned smile, whereas removable braces will only work when they are in your mouth. If you have the discipline to make sure that you wear your removable braces for the prescribed amount of time for the correct number of days, then this is an excellent option for you. If you are worried that you will forget to wear your braces correctly, then fixed braces are a better option for you. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics today to find out more.

One of our most popular types of braces are Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces offering comfort, convenience and discretion all at the same time. They are removable and can be taken out of your mouth to clean your teeth as well as at meal times and within an average of 6 to 18 months they can help you achieve a neatly aligned smile. Speak to us at Weybridge orthodontics today and find out more about Invisalign as well as other orthodontic treatments and procedures that can help address the misalignment issues of your teeth.