Straightening your teeth with Invisalign, Weybridge

Did you know that there is still a large number of adults in the UK living with the discomfort and issues caused by misaligned or crooked teeth? This may seem like an odd thing to comprehend. Considering that tooth alignment treatment is now more accessible than ever before, there is no need for anyone to live with misaligned teeth and the issues that can often be caused by them.


If you are seeking a suitable treatment for this common dental issue, then modern alignment technology and techniques can provide you with a treatment that is discreet and able to give you the results you are looking for.

Invisalign Weybridge can allow you to receive the alignment treatment you may need without others knowing, as once your alignment device is in position within your mouth, others will not be able to see it due to the materials it is made from. Finally, patients who need their teeth aligned can do so in a way that respects their privacy.

A revolution in alignment treatment

If you are one of the many adults who were offered treatment in their years but refused to engage with it due to being in a sensitive stage in your life’s development and not wishing to portray an image that others may have easily poked fun at, then there is no need to be concerned.

Invisalign aligners have been designed with the wearer in mind. By creating aligners that sit subtly in the mouth, one of the major concerns is directly addressed in a way that gives any patient reassurance.

Created by using two sheets of clear plastic, these aligners may be the treatment that you feel comfortable engaging with. One thing we would ask you to realise is that it is never too late for you to receive the tooth alignment treatment.

Deciding to be treated with Invisalign Weybridge means that you are taking a proactive step to improve your oral hygiene and health.

Getting prepared for treatment

Your first step on the path to aligned teeth is to book an appointment with our dentist who can assess your teeth and treatment needs. At this consultation, we will fully examine your teeth so that a suitable course of action and treatment can be recommended to you. This appointment also allows our dental team to take scans or x-rays that will be helpful in the process of creating any aligners that are to be used in your treatment.

Invisalign Weybridge uses a series of different aligners through the course of your treatment, each must normally be worn by the patient for 2 or 3 weeks and then replaced by the next in the series. Each plays its role within your treatment, which typically takes 12 to 18 months to complete.

By the end of your treatment time, you will have the requested results, aligned teeth and greatly improved standards in your oral health and hygiene. We at Weybridge Orthodontics are a friendly and professional team ready to help create smiles for children and adults