Turning daydreams into reality

How often have you been lying on your bed daydreaming about ways to make things in your life more effective? ‘If only I could….’. That’s what one student in the USA was doing back in the 1990s, lying on his bed in his room at Stanford University, wishing he could have had his teeth straightened with braces that snapped on over his teeth like his retainer instead of those uncomfortable bracket and wire braces that made eating so tricky. Then he went out and found the right people to help and invented Invisalign. In Weybridge, Invisalign is now one of our patients’ favourite ways to get their teeth straightened at Weybridge Orthodontics.

Invisalign in WeybridgeAnd you can see why. Zia Chistki and Kelsey Wirth were right when they thought that this style of braces would be a winner. Now, around the world, more than 4 million people have been successfully treated with Invisalign. In Weybridge, you can get a free consultation with us to find out if Invisalign is the right treatment for your alignment issues.

If it is, we will go ahead and make a detailed assessment of your teeth, including taking hundreds of measurements to build up a pinpoint accurate, 3D image of your teeth, which we can then manipulate to show you how your teeth will need to move to reach alignment.

That information goes off to the manufacturers, where they 3D-print 80,000 aligners a day. You will receive a series of aligners that, over the course of a year on average, will straighten your teeth a tiny amount with each aligner. Each aligner takes 7-10 days to do its share of the straightening and you will know when it is time to put in a new one because it will stop feeling uncomfortable and will start to feel like it fits really well.

After your teeth have reached their final destination, treatment with Invisalign in Weybridge means having to wear a retainer for a while to keep your teeth in place while the bone around them hardens. Some patients like to celebrate the end of treatment by getting their teeth whitened.