Historically, when we think about the need for braces, we may quickly attach negative thoughts to wearing them. Our minds soon focus on the idea that having braces placed on our teeth may create an image that many around us may see as unsightly, this can lead to the lowering of a wearer’s self-confidence. In some cases, this may also lead to potential patients refusing to engage with treatment, which could be damaging to their oral health.

Weybridge Orthodontics offers Invisalign Weybridge, this allows us to provide our patients with a teeth straightening device that appears to be virtually invisible to the eyes of others looking at them. Imagine being able to receive the treatment you need without being concerned about losing the smile others love to see from you.
Are you looking for a way to improve your smile? Is this something you have been looking for?
Invisalign Weybridge; what is it?
Recommending Invisalign Weybridge allows us to bring an innovative, new form of brace technology to our clients. We honestly believe that this aligner will allay any image fears our patients may have about wearing it, as well as provide them with the high-quality orthodontics treatment they are looking for. When it comes to the results, we honestly believe Invisalign can deliver some of the best among the treatments currently available on the UK market.
The treatment is carried out using a series of invisible aligners that are removable, as the treatment progresses the aligners are changed around every two weeks. Each aligner is custom made to match your needs, with the idea being that over time they will slowly and gently move each tooth into the desired position within the mouth.
Every two weeks your orthodontist will monitor the progress of the treatment and replace the aligner with the next one in your treatment until the teeth are fully aligned. This means that within a few short weeks you may start to notice a difference.
Many of our patients have reported feeling less conscious of wearing Invisalign aligners, as they find out that very few people can tell they are in place. This fact means that patients have an increased likelihood of engaging fully with the treatment, leading to them gaining an increased standard in their oral health that will last them a lifetime with proper care.
Other benefits of tooth alignment treatments
Having your teeth aligned can help ease several common problems, such as weak bite and gum disease. The most important purpose of these types of orthodontics are directly for health reasons, although we must acknowledge some people seek these treatments purely for cosmetic reasons. This is perfectly acceptable, as it will therefore also lead to an increase in self-esteem and well-being.
Whatever your reasons or needs are for treatment you will find that we are happy to discuss them with you openly and honestly. Our only desire at the time of your initial consultation is to ensure you are as informed as possible before you make any final decision about treatment.
Contact the professionals
If you want to find out more then Weybridge Orthodontics are ready to take your enquiry, we are only a phone call or email away. We will always offer helpful and professional advice, allowing you to make the right choice to match your needs.