Unsure if Invisalign is the brace for you? An introductory guide from Weybridge Orthodontics

If you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, it can really impact on your confidence.


Everyday activities like smiling in photographs or attending social gatherings can feel harder, often resulting in a reduction in social outings, which does little to boost confidence.

Of course, many adults believe that the only way to get a straighter smile past the age of 18 is with traditional, or metal braces. Luckily, this is no longer true!

Now in the world of adult orthodontics, there are numerous ways for you to get the straighter smile that you have always wanted, and few of them involve wearing a far-from-discreet metal brace!

When you come to Weybridge Orthodontics, our team will choose the most appropriate aligner for you. We are able to offer our suitable patients the world-renowned Invisalign in Weybridge, which combines the strength of a regular metal brace with the discretion of, well, near-invisibility! What more could you want from a brace?

Want to know more about Invisalign in Weybridge? Read on for our brief, jargon-free guide to this orthodontic option.

What is it?

As you are likely to have guessed, Invisalign in Weybridge is an invisible brace. Well, near enough!

Made from clear plastic, this treatment involves the use of custom-fitted trays to move your teeth from their old positions into newer ones, without exerting force or causing much discomfort. 

How does it work?

As mentioned earlier, this invisible brace uses a set of custom-fitted trays to move your teeth. When you attend your initial consultation, our team will take a 3-D scan of the inside of your mouth and use associated computer imaging to produce a step-by-step guide on how your teeth will move. These images will then be sent to a laboratory, where the trays will be created to support each step of this treatment.

Once your aligner feels loose, you simply pop in the next one!

Does it treat all orthodontic issues?

While this brace is now able to treat a wider variety of misalignments, protrusions and spacing problems, it is unsuitable for more complex orthodontic problems.

If you present with a more challenging orthodontic case, our team at Weybridge Orthodontics may recommend treatment with a fitted clear brace or a traditional one.

Can I take it out?

Yes, you can.

This brace is fully removable and requires no tightening from an orthodontist to work. As it is removable, you can eat, drink or brush your teeth with ease, without needing to worry about food getting stuck in your braces. Just make sure that you put it back in afterwards!

How long will the treatment take?

Although it is removable, this brace works surprisingly quickly.

On average, many patients wear this brace for around 6 months, but this will vary depending on your unique case. It may also be used in a treatment plan with other braces, which usually cuts this time down drastically.

To achieve results, you need to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours each day.