Different ways to achieve straight teeth

Little do people know, there are other options to standard metal braces that they can use in order to receive straight teeth. Just because you’re over your teenage years doesn’t mean you can’t have a great smile. There are many dental options available to straighten out crooked, gappy and overcrowded teeth. These options include: clear braces, tooth-coloured braces, braces that are fixed behind the teeth and so are invisible to the eye and removable clear aligners. Let’s take a look at some of these treatments.


Invisalign clear aligners are one of the most popular methods available to straighten out crooked teeth. What’s great about the aligner is that it’s totally clear so you would have to be looking up close to notice is a person was wearing Invisalign. Weybridge Orthodontics says that Invisalign clear aligners are popular with their patients as they’re discreet but also have the added benefit of being removable. As the aligners are removable, there will be noissues with eating and dental teeth brushing, as the aligner is taken out when doing either.


Clarity clear braces are an excellent option for people who want to get a great smile as they’re constructed from clear ceramic brackets and patients find them extremely comfortable. Although the braces are clear, they are not removable like Invisalign. Weybridge orthodontics says the Clarity treatment lasts 18 to 24 months.


Incognito lingual braces are worn behind the teeth so are totally invisible. Incognito braces are made bespoke for each patient and will be a perfect fit. The braces are great for people who don’t want to give any indication that they are undergoing a teeth straightening treatment and they provide excellent results.

The above braces and aligners are just a few of the options available to people who think that it may be embarrassing to wear a brace. The majority of teeth straightening methods in the 21st century are designed to be discreet and are much more comfortable that they used to be just a few years ago, especially aligners such as Invisalign. Weybridge Orthodontics have a number of treatments available for patients to choose from. Call the clinic or make an appointment to discuss further.