Support girl power with braces

“What has braces got to do with girl power?” I hear you ask. How many of you ladies have wished you had straighter teeth and a better smile? Now how many of you would opt for braces to achieve this look? Just a few years back Beyoncé Knowles wore braces to show that people with braces can be beautiful. We all know that Miss Knowles is an advocate of girl power and you can be too! When you embrace the brace! (see what I did there) and get that beautiful, dazzling smile you’ve always wanted! Other famous women who’ve confidently sported braces without a care in the world, include: Estelle, Faith Hill and Gwen Stefani.

invisalign-braces-weybridgeStill not convinced?

So, you do want those straight teeth and that killer smile but you’re not sure you can pull off that ‘train track’ look like Queen B? Don’t despair, there’s an alternative with Invisalign. Weybridge Orthodontics offers clear braces, for a more discreet way to achieve those straight teeth. Invisalign in Weybridge consists of removable, clear aligners that are almost invisible.They’re an ideal way to straighten out those crooked teeth, as they can be removed when eating. The clear braces are so hard to spot that it’s very unlikely anyone would notice them, unless they inspect your teeth up close. Invisalign in Weybridge are great for dental hygiene too; because they’re removable, they can be taken out when brushing and flossing teeth. Clear braces are becoming more and more popular; due to the realisation that stunning, straight teeth can be obtained without a noticeable metal brace, or the price tag of some other cosmetic treatments. Invisalign in Weybridge is one of the best choices you can make to correct your teeth and improve your smile and prices start from just £1884.25. So join Beyoncé and others, by wearing braces and supporting girl power, whilst also achieving that great smile you’ve always dreamed about.

Weybridge Orthodontics offers other teeth straightening options if you decide Invisalign clear braces are not for you. Book an appointment to take advantage of their special offer: just £35 for a consultation.