Brackets and Bands for Years? Stop Delaying Orthodontic Treatment

The first thing many orthodontic patients ask is this: ‘How long will I have to wear these braces or aligners for?’

orthodontic treatmentChildren usually wear orthodontic appliances for almost two years, while adults wear them for about 12 to 20 months. Some patients, however, wear their braces or aligners for about four years and above—mainly because they fail to follow the rules that come with orthodontic treatment.

This does not need to be the case for everyone. Patients can stay on track and avoid delays in orthodontic treatment by following these guidelines.

Avoid Certain Types of Food

Gum, toffee, chips, and nuts are some of the foods to avoid when undergoing orthodontic treatment. It takes a lot of self-control, but these foods can do damage to orthodontic appliances. When they do, it will go a long way toward ensuring that the treatment timeline stays on schedule. For those wearing braces, each broken band or bracket adds about a month to the overall treatment.

Maintain Good Hygiene

Some orthodontic appliances are notorious for trapping food and allowing plaque and tartar to build up easily. Those undergoing treatment need to pay more attention to their hygiene more than ever to avoid complications.

We recommend brushing with a prescribed toothpaste after every meal, as well as using mouth rinses and flossing daily. For those wearing metal braces or other similar appliances, it is especially important to brush after eating sweets. Sugar can erode the cement keeping the braces in place.

Schedule Appointments Regularly

Those who have broken a bracket or stained clear aligners should schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible to prevent delays.

Patients should schedule appointments regularly as well, and avoid cancelling them. Each cancellation of an appointment extends the overall treatment by weeks—sometimes even months.

These are only a few of the major ways patients can avoid orthodontic delays. If you have some questions about treatment, please give us a call at 01932 831 825. Those who wish to undergo orthodontic treatment may contact us as well.