Orthodontics Change Facial Appearance, Too

Anyone who has ever watched after-school series on the telly look at braces as treatment that is exclusively for kids.

orthodontics in Weybridge2This, however, is no longer the case these days. Given the availability of more advanced treatments, changes in the appearance of orthodontic appliances, and speed of teeth movement with these appliances, orthodontics in Weybridge are now more accessible for 20-somethings (and over) who would like to correct misalignment.

Moreover, today’s braces do not simply change the appearance of the teeth; the treatments can also change the appearance of the whole face—in a good way, of course.

It is common for the human face to have a certain degree of asymmetry. For some people, however, this asymmetry is more obvious—particularly because of flaws in the mouth, such as crooked teeth, an underbite, and an overbite—and orthodontic treatments slowly and subtly fix the problem.


Patients with an underbite normally have protruding chins that create a “moon” shape for the face. Once orthodontic treatment corrects this problem, the face will appear less concave. In addition, the overall features of the face soften and the teeth and lips fit together more attractively.

Open Bite

An open bite causes the mouth and the lips to appear somewhat unnaturally stretched. In severe cases, an open bite prevents the mouth from closing while at rest, and the lips may not cover the mouth altogether. This is an especially noticeable problem, and it is even visible in profile because it causes the upper lip to jut out.

An orthodontic treatment can correct the alignment problem, and at the same time softens the facial area between the nose and chin.


A patient who has an overbite, one of the most common alignment issues, will usually have a protruding upper lip and sunken cheeks. Sometimes, much like an open bite, the patient’s lips do not cover the result.

Because orthodontic treatment changes the way the jaw and teeth fit together, patients suffering from an overbite can enjoy better harmony throughout the lower half of their face.

Having straight, well-aligned, clean, and healthy teeth will truly boost your confidence. If you are worried about orthodontic treatments changing your face shape, please note that the change is for the better, and the results are usually subtle.

Schedule a consultation with an orthodontist in Weybridge at our clinic—we can improve your teeth and the appearance of your face. Call us today!